
Showing posts from April, 2024

The Musings on Seed Sowing and it's Relevance to our Benefit as Human.

 The Musings on Seed Sowing and it's Relevance to our Benefit as Human. (Galatians 6:8) 🎯As much as Seed Sowing is Relevant to the Physical so is it Relevant to Spiritual matters, the Bible  clearly points out several illustration where Jesus used the Phenomenon of Seed Sowing to explain Kingdom matters, (Luke 8:8) and from this we could see that the Same Principle that facilitate it's Process in the Physical is also what facilitate the Process in the Spiritual just that the Context is different, water and manure can be needed for the Growth of a Seed in the Physical, but when it comes to the Spiritual the Word of God, Prayer and other factors are needed for the Growth of a Seed in relation to the Spiritual. 🎯The Context of Discussion in Regards to Seed Sowing to which this Message desires to address is that Related to Human Relevance here on Earth, just like before you could get a Fruit or a Tree in the Physical, you have to put a Seed on the Ground, you cannot also desire a

The Framework behind Inclining your Ears to Wisdom and Heart to Understanding

 The Framework behind Inclining your Ears to Wisdom & Heart to Understanding (Proverbs 2:2). 📍The Book of Proverbs is a tutor of practical wisdom and Discernment for an Excellent living, and it advices us on how to give ourselves to Wisdom inorder to live s more Superior life, as we know *WISDOM* is a Vital tool for any Decision-making Journey, It is important  to know that the dispensing of WISDOM, has no source other than GOD, and from His Mouth comes Knowledge and Understanding (Proverbs 2:6), Now that we understand that WISDOM & DISCERNMENT is a Key Requirement to live a Successful life, it is important then to give ourselves to this life changing tools.  The Intent of this message is to bridge the gap between between the Available_ WISDOM & DISCERNMENT for our Fluorishing, and our Ability to access it,_ because it is possible to be in a Season of the Release of WISDOM, and that which is Valuable for our Profiting and Growth and not be available to be a Recipient of it


  REQUIREMENTS FOR A+ Grade Destiny. Let's look at the Illustrations of a Category of Animals, which is the Bird, there are different Species of Birds, and each of this Species has their Capacity of Functionality and Performance, but there is a Special Specie of Bird that Operates with an Excellent Pedigree and that's the *EAGLE.* You might think the Eagle was created special that's why it has great level of Insight and Ability to Soar, but can I tell us that every Specie was created Distinctively to Manifest in its own Class, and be appreciated with its Own Uniqueness, but the Eagle excelled them well. Why this is because *THE EAGLE has learnt VITAL PRINCIPLES that Stabliizes it's Revealing Capacity.* So it is for we Human, God has not created any of us lesser than the Other, and no one has been created without a Destination with a Successful Ending, but what gives us the Ability to Operate in an A+ grade is our Knowledge of Some Key Principles and Requires. You can ne