
Showing posts from August, 2024

What Medium Feeds your Daily Perception?

πŸ“ The Essence of a Mirror is to Reflect to you your true Image, many of us could not describe in actual sense the Shape of our Face, our Body or the Value of External Features until we look into a Mirror, the Mirror has helped a lot of us get a Picture of our Identity displayed in the face of Others, but Imagine a Broken Mirror. Have you ever stand in front of a Broken Mirror before, it gives us an undefined reflection of our Identity, we can't tell the Shape of our Nose, neither our Eyes and most importantly give a true description of the exact Image of our Identity, and the Information or Understanding about your look or Identity largely determines what you believe about yourself and this in turn shapes the State of your Confidence.  Imagine a Beautiful & Admiring lady daily have a Broken Mirror in front of her daily, she wouldn't be to get the Worth of her Identity, because the Broken Mirror keeps Sending the Wrong Information to her....  This is the Trajectory of Some

Our Portions are with the Lord

Let this Charge your Spirit, and Rejuvenate your Relationship with God. Our Portions are with the Lord (Psalm 16:5)  But do you Trust God enough to Keep that Portion or you are busy Creating Roadmaps for yourselves and trying to Sort the Puzzles of your Life? πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘†This is Exactly the Picture we Portray when we Seek our Comfort & Success above God's Kingdom. God never tell us to be Useless or Redundant when He asked us to Seek First His Kingdom & It's Righteousness (Matt 6:33) and have every other things added unto us. It was a *TRUST RELATIONSHIP/MINDSET He was trying to Establish with us,* because it could be pretty difficult to be at Rest over your worries, while you go out to mind the Lord's Business.  But I tell you Brethren we need to Learn to Come up Hither in our Relationship with God, trusting Him that Regardless of the events of things at hand now, Whatever you have Sow to God you will Reap Bountifully and that your Portion is Forever Reserved and be Wille

The Pathway to Oneness with God (Principle for Accessing Divine Blessings)

 The Pathway to Oneness with God.(Principle to Accessing Divine Blessings). If there is one Blessing that puts you on the Edge or in a Superior State is your *DOMINION MANDATE.* And this was what the Devil came to fight against and keeps fighting in a man, It is His/Her Ability to Rule & Reign over Situations, there are different Circumstances that has been designed to emanciate with the World Revolvment and they constantly plague men, but because God knew this before time, He gave us *DOMINION,* inclusive to our Increase, Flourishing, Fruitfulness & Multiplication on Earth, that means no matter how Glorious you are evolving and beautifully decorated you are so that you don't become Victims of Circumstances and Prey to the Pestilence of the Earth, He gave us the Ability to Rule & Judge Circumstances (If you still don't get it), let remind us that after Christ came to Restore our Lives, Place & Position in God, He also Restored our Dominion Mandate which was init