
Showing posts from June, 2022

Attitude to Receiving Divine Blessing

  *Attitude to Receiving Divine Blessing.* 🎯Do you still remember while you were much younger than this, and you couldn't get something's yourself because it was beyond capacity and you have to be dependent on your Father & Mother to get it for you. At times even before you tender your request or need, they definitely know what you need and will provide, this goes on until we attain a level of Maturity, where we become independent before our needs are met, but remember that while you daily look forward to those precious time when you receive a gift from your parents or guidance, there is a posture and attitude we imbibe so that we can joyfully receive that which we were promise or we requested for even if it is for that moment. At that time we would want to be in our best self and disposition. (We will never want to go against the Order of our Parents & Guidance, we will not be rude and mind our manners, and on a Personal level there are many things we would want to pu

Encountering the Truth that Sets you Free.

  *Weekly Kingdom Teachings* _[The Writing Series]_ *Encountering the Truth that Sets you Free.*  (John 8:32) *"If ye continue in my Word, then you are my disciples indeed, and you shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall set you free".*  📍One thing that bulges us as Human is that when we encounter any Situation either Positive or Negative, we never tend to know God's Perspective about such before we come to Conclusion about it, and this has disconnected us from every phases of what God is doing in our life to Glorify His Name. 🎯But this Bridge was cleared off when Christ came, He came as the Truth to every of the Situation man might come across here on Earth, this is because our Separation from the Supernatural Realm by the Gravity of Sin in man's life has cut off from the reality of every Situation and what it is meant to achieve in our life. God doesn't make mistake neither is he cut unaware about any Situation, everything that happens to us is orchestrated

The Safest Place to Be is to Be in God

  *Weekly Kingdom Teachings* _(The Writing Series)_.   *The Safest Place to Be is to Be in God (Psalm 91).*  📍In the Early hours of Sunday Morning, as the service began, the Lord began to speak to me, that the Best and Safest Place to be is to Be in God, (I said Okay sir, not knowing the incident that will Plague that same day), after the Sunday incident, the HolySpirit reminded me again, after I saw a Post where someone said, we don't know where is Safe, If they could invade the Church of God,  then I began to understand why the Lord brought this Word to me, and still strong in my Spirit, as the Word for this time. 🎯Regardless of what is going on, Solutions and Answers can never be attended to except in God (Oh yes, He is the one that brings calmness to disarray Situations and can put things in Order), but apart from the Situation in our Country, majority of us have got carried away with what is happening around, without paying attention to ourselves. *What is the State of our M

Principles that Unlocks the Blessing of the New Month Regardless of the Report of your Physical Condition.

  *Principles that Unlocks the Blessing of a New Month Regardless of the Report of your Physical Condition.*  (Psalm 84:11) _"No Good thing will He withold from those who love Him, and who walks uprightly before Him"._         👆🏻 Through this Scripture, we can see that, that need of yours is not because God is unjust, or unfair or rather incapable of bringing it to you. Every New Month comes not only with Blessings, it is also an avenue to Hope for Possibilities over that need that you are trusting God for. You shouldn't give up or conclude that no good thing can come forth of this New Month, it definitely can because God will not withold what belongs to us, but before that it is important to know that this Scripture only attends within the Jurisdiction of the Obedience of this Principle *(Your Love for God & Steadfastness before Him).*  God only moves where Principles are kept, ofcourse He says If we call upon Him, he will answer but that doesn't negate the fac